Lena says something to the effect "You're a strange/funny cop", and all I can make out is "Bulle" at the end. She's speaking too fast for me.
Salvete! A bit of shameless self-promotion by academic precariat, hope it's fine with you guys. We invite you to our Slow Horace Mondays. Supposedly,…
The “beard” sticking out of the Egyptian pharaohs' chins is strikingly reminiscent of poturu, a cone-shaped “lip plug” made of bone or wood…
I'm trying to translate "The Dude Abides" to latin. The best I can come up with is "vir commorror" but I'm not sure of the proper case to use.
May 26 2021, 13:10:45 UTC 3 years ago
Tom says he has to arrest her.
Lena: "Wenn Du mich kriegst Ich bin Dir auch schon abgehauen"
"Da wußte ich noch nicht, hinter wem ich her bin"
"Da wußte ich noch nicht vor wem ich fliehe"
"Macht Dich das schneller oder langsamer?"
"Was bist Du für ein Bulle"