1. юмолануолиінимижи
Jumola nuolin imizhi
EST: Jumal noolnud inimesi.
ENG: God 'arrowed' people ( = taught people the word, the speech)*.
RUS: Господь пронзил стрелами людей ( = обучил, научил людей слову, речи)*.
2. ноулисъхянолиомобоу
noulise han oli omo bou
EST: noolja, ta oli oma poeg.
ENG: Arrow-shooter, he was His son.
RUS: Стрельцом ("метателем стрел") был Его Сын.
3. юмоласоудьнииохови
Jumola soudin iiohovi
EST: Jumal sõudnud iia-hoovi.
ENG: God rowed to the eternal yard (heaven).
RUS: И отбыл Господь на небеса (досл., "священный двор").
The author of the decryption is Andres Pääbo - who also decrypted hundreds of Venetian runic inscriptions :
* ...The word is what is sent, a message from person to person. It is no coincidence that the symbol of the word in the Vedic religion was an arrow.
Valery D. Osipov, PhD. 'The single language of humanity.' Moscow. Concept. 2016.
nool, gen. noole, part. noolt (Est.), nuoli (Fin., Karel.), nooli (Izhora), njuolla (Saami), nal (Erzia, Moksha), nölö (Mari), ńe̮l (Udmurt), ńe̮v (Komi), ńoᴧ, ńal (Khanty), ńāl (Mansi), nyíl (Hung.), ńi (Nenets, Enet.), ńī (Sekulp.), ńié (Kamas.), ńej, nej (Mator.) - an arrow;
neli, gen. nelja (Est.), nēļa (Livon.), nellä (Votic), nelja (Fin., Ihora), ńeľľi (Karel.), ńeľľ (Ludic, Veps.), njeallje, njeallja (Saami), ńiľe (Erzia), ńiľä (Moksha), nə̑l, nə̑lə̑t (Mari), ńi̮ľ (Udmurt), ńoľ (Komi), ńil, ńăл (Khanty), ńila (Mansi), négy (Hung.) – 4, four (i.e., the fourth, POINTING finger on the hand);
nõel, gen. nõela (Est.) neula (Fin.), nõ’ggõl(z) (Livon.), nigla (Votic), neegla (Izhora), nieglu (Karel.), ńegl (Veps.) - a needle;
nål (Sw.), nulle (Fris.), needle (Eng.) – a needle;
nael (Est.), Nagel (Ger.), nail (Eng.) - a nail;
[ni, nii] (Mayan) - nostrils, a nose, a tip.
nyelv (Hung.) - language, words.