I have heard people say (a) as either root or r-out, the former somewhat more often, but (b) and (c) only as r-out(er). Yet online dictionaries seem to disagree - none of those I checked makes a distinction between the route-noun and route-verb.
rut or raʊt
I have heard people say (a) as either root or r-out, the former somewhat more often, but (b) and (c) only as r-out(er). Yet online dictionaries seem to disagree - none of those I checked makes a distinction between the route-noun and route-verb.
EUROPA, etymology
"... Agenor, king of the Phoenician city of Sidon, had a beautiful daughter Europa, literally (in Greek) the "wide-eyed". In fact, of course, not…
The extended etymology for Ego, Εγώ ( I )
The Oxford Etymologic Dictionary (OED) considers Ego / I as if it were a self-standing word developed within the Germanic and 'Indo-European'…
YULE and KOLYADA (Christmas) – the Etymology
YULE, JUL, JULEN, JOULU, JÕULUD The French, the British, the Germans, the Scandinavians and the Baltic Finns call Christmas with the following…
EUROPA, etymology
"... Agenor, king of the Phoenician city of Sidon, had a beautiful daughter Europa, literally (in Greek) the "wide-eyed". In fact, of course, not…
The extended etymology for Ego, Εγώ ( I )
The Oxford Etymologic Dictionary (OED) considers Ego / I as if it were a self-standing word developed within the Germanic and 'Indo-European'…
YULE and KOLYADA (Christmas) – the Etymology
YULE, JUL, JULEN, JOULU, JÕULUD The French, the British, the Germans, the Scandinavians and the Baltic Finns call Christmas with the following…
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