Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name? (fynoda) wrote in linguaphiles,
Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name?

Cannot comprehend the translation of this sentence [Japanese]

I was trying to figure out if a Japanese DVD I bought eons ago came with the freebies from first press. The Japanese website says this: "初回仕様 連動応募用紙封入、「仔雅-komiyavishiki-式、ネズミ講」推奨用"巾着"付(終了)". Miyavi is the name of the artist, Komiyavi is the name of his fanclub. All I can get out of that sentence is "First press: Coupled with an application form letter for the Ko Miyavi Pyramid Scheme; we recommend using it as a "purse"." What the hell? Thanks for any help.

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