The Jenn (sarcasticmaster) wrote in linguaphiles,
The Jenn

Chinese Translation

Hello! I have an exchange between two modern characters in Chinese (any dialect/style/etc will do). The though of using GoogleTranslate just makes my skin itch, and the phrase I'm aiming to translate isn't one you'd find in a travel book.

1. "We were attacked by Falcom's magic whore." [(He's referring to a female character with minor regenerative powers, FYI.) Falcom is the proper name of a company. It would be nice to have that converted to script as well, but if not possible, not the end of the world.]

2. "Say again." [As in a polite request to repeat oneself. I found a translation on Yahoo!Answers, but I'm not sure if it's legit.]

Thanks so much in advance for all your help!
Tags: cantonese, chinese, mandarin, translation request

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