Okay I don't know if that will make sense to anyone else.
Are there figures of speech (in any language) that didn't/don't make sense to you? If English ones are strange to me, I can't imagine what those in different languages will be like.
Dear linguaphiles, Linguistics needs your help! Well... I need your help. ;) I am currently writing a paper on word-finding difficulties in older…
Hi! I have a question about pairs of personal pronouns like jou/je, zij/ze, mij/me used to mark emphasis in a statement. As far as I know, this…
Guten Tag, Leute! Ich arbeite an dem Projekt für meine Universität. Ich soll das Verständnis für das Konzept “die Schwiegermutter” in zwei…
Dear linguaphiles, Linguistics needs your help! Well... I need your help. ;) I am currently writing a paper on word-finding difficulties in older…
Hi! I have a question about pairs of personal pronouns like jou/je, zij/ze, mij/me used to mark emphasis in a statement. As far as I know, this…
Guten Tag, Leute! Ich arbeite an dem Projekt für meine Universität. Ich soll das Verständnis für das Konzept “die Schwiegermutter” in zwei…