petrusplancius (petrusplancius) wrote in linguaphiles,

Dutch query

I wonder if any Dutch-speaking members might help me out with a phrase in an old narrative (18th Century). The context is that some shipwrecked sailors are trying to head for a VOC establishment in the East in a sloop, but are unable to reach it because of contrary winds, and decide to head for somewhere else instead: 'weshalve zy om eeinge redenen, hen voorgekomen in zekere haven, te raade wierden naer Achien op te duuwen...' I can't make out the sense of the italicized phrase, although I expect it is obvious enough!

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  • Nose as a primarium of knowledge

    No one would have challenged my title if I had added "for dogs and other animals". However, I am writing about the human nose. After all, the…

  • Spartan accordion

    This golden "ring" was found in the Bulgarian village of Ezerovo, located near the city of Plovdiv, in 1912. ΡΟΛΙΣΤΕΝΕΑΣΝ / ΕΡΕΝΕΑΤΙΛ / ΤΕΑΝΗΣΚΟΑ…

  • Interpretation of the Legend

    (inscriptions on the Kushan Kingdom coins / надписи на монетах Кушанского царства)