tortipede (tortipede) wrote in linguaphiles,

Nebulous non-standard French query

We recently took our baby daughter to visit some friends of my parents in the South of France. While we there she was very smiley, and this was commented on. In particular, a word was used that I didn't entirely catch, but that I took to be either an augmentative or diminutive of 'smile' or 'laugh', in that it was used in the same sort of context where an English speaker might say something about a "great big smile" or a "cheeky little grin".

As far as I recall, and as far as I was able to catch it, I thought the comment was something like "Elle rigaudote," but I can't track down the word (or anything plausibly like it) — does anyone have any ideas/suggestions? (I'm sure it wasn't just rigole or se regale.)

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