好きな同茶 (sukina_docha) wrote in linguaphiles,

English, French proverbs and idioms

There are some characters I may write for a parody play based mainly on tales. They (persons) use a mixture of well known words. Are these phrases understandable? (Should I exclude them?) Other languages speakers are welcome. You may offer more ;-)

Козел(GOAT). Сдохну я от злой любви ( I will die by evil love)
Врач(DOCTOR).Се ля герр комм а ля ви ( C'est la guerre comme a la vie)

колдун, ..., депутат (MAGICIAN, ... Parliament deputy)
в Ньюкасл возим уголь мы, в Иваново невесту ( we carry coal to Newcastle and bride to Ivanovo)
о Ливерпуле думаем, когда прочтем Манчестер (when we read Manchester we think of Liverpool)

Upd Great thanks.

The phrase "This is war in real life" or something else will be expressed by other means or better will be used in other case

The magician will be less abstruse

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