Im a 3rd year Spanish major at a Canadian university, and would like to try my hand at learning Portuguese. Problem is there are no credit courses offered at my uni, and the non-credit intro/travel type courses are offered at night, and as I will have a full class load the coming semester I dont have the time for that. I would like to try to get a good grasp on Portuguese for possibly doing a masters/PhD within the field of Brazilian studies or compliment it with my Hispanic Studies background if I stay in that field.
The situation of Portuguese language and Luso-Brazilian studies in Canadian univeristies is pretty skimpy to begin with, and I dont think it would be worth the time and money to travel back and fourth to do a few courses at a different uni.
I think it would be much wiser to try and find a study abroad session or intensive course in Portugal or Brazil. I have been looking online, and haven't found many programs from universities that have programs for International students. Does anyone here know of any good Brazilian or Portuguese universities, or good language schools?