oliyzia (oliyzia) wrote in linguaphiles,

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Colour terms

I have a question (mainly for native speakers of English, but any input is welcome) regarding colour terms, more specifically, the distinction between teal and turquoise.



(I hope that worked, my HTML skills aren't great :p)

Do you distinguish between the two colours, and if so, how clear is the difference? The reason I ask is that in my language (Norwegian) we really only have the turquoise term ("turkis") and this is (as far as I know) used for both turquoise and teal. (Although I think it is possible to use "sjøgrønn" (sea-green) for teal, but I personally wouldn't.) Is it the same in English, or are the two colours more "separate" there? My gut feeling says they are, but I'm really not sure.

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