You made my day... in a schadenfreude sort of way. (krissykross) wrote in linguaphiles,
You made my day... in a schadenfreude sort of way.

Translation help?


I have a translation request. I send and receive a lot of postcards from all over the world, and a card I recently got has some writing in Finnish. Is there anyone who might be able to help me translate it?

"Lapsena rakastin muumeja. Osasin piirrossarjan repliikit ulkoa låhes kokonaan. Meiltå lôytyy edelleen monta VHS-kasetta tåyynnå Muumeja."

I may have gotten some of the characters wrong, as they were a bit hard to read, but if anyone can help me figure out what it says I would be grateful.

(edited to fix a misspelling.)
Tags: finnish, translation request

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