Kes on Sinu lemmikartisid/bändid? Milline lemmiklaul ja parim muusikavideo?
Is there an Estonian speaker around?
Kes on Sinu lemmikartisid/bändid? Milline lemmiklaul ja parim muusikavideo?
Learning basic Latin while reading Horace
Salvete! A bit of shameless self-promotion by academic precariat, hope it's fine with you guys. We invite you to our Slow Horace Mondays. Supposedly,…
Pharao's “beard” - the POTURU lip piercing of Zo'é tribe in Amazonia - and POTERE (POWER)
The “beard” sticking out of the Egyptian pharaohs' chins is strikingly reminiscent of poturu, a cone-shaped “lip plug” made of bone or wood…
Latin Transaltion
I'm trying to translate "The Dude Abides" to latin. The best I can come up with is "vir commorror" but I'm not sure of the proper case to use.
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