pony_rocks (pony_rocks) wrote in linguaphiles,

Awesome question


may I please have a question about the word "awesome"?

Recently - well, maybe a year ago or so, I've noticed that people seem to be using this word a lot, usually in the sense "very cool". Mind you, I am not a native English speaker, so it might have actually started much earlier and I just didn't notice. Anyway, can somebody please tell me why is the word so popular these days?
I've read that it used to be fashionable some 20 years ago and now it has become trendy again. Is that so? Is there some reason why - for example, was it used on some popular TV show as a catchphrase?
Thanks in advance.

ETA: I'd like to thank everybody for their opinions. :)

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    No one would have challenged my title if I had added "for dogs and other animals". However, I am writing about the human nose. After all, the…

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