Kolin Chasm (kchasm) wrote in linguaphiles,
Kolin Chasm

Japanese is Dizzifying.

I've been trying to learn Japanese, so I signed up on this site where you write journal entries in a foreign language and native speakers of that language correct them.

Talking about a video game, I wrote "それ幽霊ありました。"

One person suggested "それは幽霊がいました。"
Another suggested "

However, I don't understand that last sentence, or the specifics of the grammar.
Are there any Japanese speakers here who can help me out?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: The site is Lang-8. Also, for those who wish to view the context, here is a link to the specific entry: http://lang-8.com/109251/journals/340032/%E3%81%BE%E3%81%98%E3%81%A7%EF%BC%9F

Tags: japanese

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