Christian Velásquez Pañganiban (tisoi) wrote in linguaphiles,
Christian Velásquez Pañganiban

Improve my translation (Spanish)

My coworker asked me to translate something for her, and I went ahead and did. I speak Spanish but am not a native speaker and am not confident in my translation skills. Could you look it over and correct my mistakes and make it sound better? I've included the original English. Also, the audience is predominantly Mexican and Central American.


Attention Patrons:

We are going to be having a back to school party on Saturday, September 5th from 10AM-2PM. Please bring your kids and join us for a fun-filled day. We will be having lunch, as well as free haircuts, backpacks, and school supplies. We will also have music, clowns, and games for the kids. See you then!


Vamos a tener una fiesta para celebrar la vuelta de clases. La fiesta tiene lugar sábado, el 5 de setiembre desde las 10AM hasta las 2PM. Les invitamos a llevar a sus hijos y únense con nosotros para un día de diversión. Vamos a ofrecer un almuerzo, cortes de pelo, mochilas, y útiles escolares - todo gratis. Además, para los niños hay música, payasos, y juegos. ¡Esperamos que vengan!

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