And since we're on the topic of Spanish.....
About a week or so ago, I watched the movie, "Sin Nombre." A couple of things caught my attention. While it doesn't surprise me that they used "Vos" instead of the "Tu/Usted," form, it did, however strike me as odd that at one point, one of the main protagonists used "Vos" to reffer to someone in the third person singular. Can't exactly remember the full quote, but it was something along the lines of "He knows that...." I believe. Oh! Should point out that three of the main characters were from Honduras, and the others from the very tip of Southern Mexico. Now, can "vos" be used to reffer to someone in the 3rd person singular, or did they just mess up on the subtitles?
One last thing about things I found odd in the movie. When they used the imperative form, it sounded, umm, funny to me. E.g:
"Partir = Parte!" Right? Well when they said it it sounded more like "part-TI-te!" (In the context of departing/leaving) And well, "Le-VAN-tate!" Sounded like "Levan-TA-te!" Stress on the 2nd to last syllable. Is this just a Honduran/Southern Mexico thing, or found elsewhere too?