Delly (_delly_) wrote in linguaphiles,

like as if

This is a crosspost from linguistics :

Hi there! I'm doing a research on comparative constructions in the English language. While gathering material for my project, I came across several examples of the following kind:

she was like as if she knew somehow how matters had gone on, and had a spite at her 

Make like as if you're beckoning her.

See they got on the lights so long of the day in the winter time and made them lay just like as if it'd been summer.

Actually feels like as if you've eaten one. 

I have to you know, and, and besides, when I come out of there I look like as if I've been .

What do you think about these examples? Do you think there will be any change in meaning or any other aspect (style, emphasis) if either like of as if were omitted? Can this use be considered dated? Or formal? Thanks for any suggestions.


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    No one would have challenged my title if I had added "for dogs and other animals". However, I am writing about the human nose. After all, the…

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