ゲイ愛のパンツ (vororov) wrote in linguaphiles,

I've studied Swedish for almost 10 years, but have recently somewhat fallen out of the loop and find my capabilites in expressing myself in the language rusting. So I could use a little help.

I'm specifically looking for maybe something to listen to (music, in Swedish), or maybe radio programs, podcasts? Maybe some good Swedish comics or books that you know, TV-shows or movies that would be easily available to download? Web communities? I'm interested in knitting and video games. Heh.

What do you listen/read/browse in order to surround yourself with the language? If you're a native speaker, where do you hang out online?

This would be easier for me if I still lived in Finland, but as an expat I don't have immediate access to even Finnish-Swedish material. So I am curious.

And also, if there ARE any native speakers here writing their livejournals in Swedish, I would of course love to be friends.

Any ideas would be appreciated!

(Already tried to look for LJ communities but most that list Swedish as an interest are IKEA or Roxette or similar communities. UGH!)

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