forever a lake effect kid (keeraa) wrote in linguaphiles,
forever a lake effect kid

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Bilingualism Survey

Hey everyone! I'm doing a small research project for English class on the differences between acquiring a language at an early age vs. acquiring a language in adulthood. Part of the paper is to take surveys, and in addition to my bilingual schoolmates, I felt that this would be a perfect community to find people who speak at least one other language.

This survey is directed at people who feel they have a good proficiency in at least 2 languages. The focus is bilingualism, but multilinguals are by no means excluded.

1. If you are bilingual from childhood, what languages do you speak, and to what degree of fluency?
2. If you are bilingual from adulthood, what languages do you speak, and to what degree of fluency?
3. What methods did you use to learn another language in adulthood?
4. How often do you use each language?
5. Which language do you tend to think in?
6. Which language to you more often gravitate towards?
7. Do you consider your bilingualism a talent that you possess?
8. Do you believe certain people have an easier time learning other languages?
9. Do you believe that certain people cannot learn other languages?

Thank you for helping out! I'm looking forward to seeing what your opinions are. :)
Tags: bilingualism, surveys/quizzes

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