Philip Newton (pne) wrote in linguaphiles,
Philip Newton

Dictionary of Russian Dialects available online

Via Language Hat:

I discover from Anatoly [avva] that the Словарь русских народных говоров (Dictionary of Russian dialects) is online, thanks to the Institute for Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This immense project has been under way since 1965 (it's reached the letter С [S]); the Resources for Russian linguistics page created by the Slavic and East European Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign describes it as follows:

Entries supply grammatical information relevant to the part of speech of a word, a definition in standard Russian, stress, and citations for sources and dialects. Some entries excerpt passages to show usage. A list of geographical abbreviations is provided to help interpret in which dialectal area a particular term is found. An extensive bibliography of sources consulted for the compilation of the dictionary is included in the first volume with bibliographies of additional sources appearing at the beginning of various subsequent volumes. Sources include published materials and manuscripts.

(The Resources page shows an image from a page of the dictionary, as it does for all the works it describes—a very nice feature.) Anatoly says, "This is an unbelievably wonderful book—just download any installment and start reading at random. Just now I spent half an hour reading; I couldn't tear myself away. What riches, what diversity, what beauty!" I agree; [...]

Read the entire article.


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