tortipede (tortipede) wrote in linguaphiles,

Greek names for Latin letters

OK, so this holiday has only just started, and already I'm thinking ahead to the next one. I'm plotting something that will involve us driving around a chunk of the Peloponnese, finding places to stay as we go. Remembering a time when I managed to book a hotel in Bologna over the telephone in Italian — a language I know primarily from opera libretti — and then found myself unable to spell my own name because I didn't know the Italian for 'k', I thought I would plan ahead this time.

O wise linguaphiles: how does one refer to Roman letters in Greek? (I've tried looking up Λατινικό αλφάβητο on Βικιπαίδεια, which didn't help, and I have no other bright ideas.)

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    No one would have challenged my title if I had added "for dogs and other animals". However, I am writing about the human nose. After all, the…

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