Smashurbanipal (seifaiden) wrote in linguaphiles,

Vietnamese translation

Not entirely sure if this is permitted (feel free to delete if it's not), but I woke up to this IM left on my screen by a friend who I'm guessing sent out a mass-IM to his mostly-Vietnamese-speaking buddy list. I've been trying it out with various pieces of free translation software and I think I get the gist, but I'm not entirely sure. The LJTranslators community didn't list Vietnamese as a supported language, so I decided to appeal to y'all, who seem to have fingers in every linguistic pie. Any ideas? Thank you!

To cac co, chu, anh , chi , em da gui tin nhan cho Hiep ma khong thay tra loi: Hiep bi mot may tinh khac log in vo account cua minh nen da xay ra truc trac tren. Bay gio Hiep da doi password moi nen moi thu da tro lai binh thuong. Rat mong nhan duoc su thong cam a. Keep in touch!!!
Tags: translation request, vietnamese

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