Michael Zeleny (larvatus) wrote in linguaphiles,
Michael Zeleny

“we are unconcerned”

For all its lexical wealth, English lacks pithy counterparts to the French “je-m’en-foutisme” and the opposite-but-equal Italian “menefreghismo”, let alone the nonpareil Russian “похуй”. The best we can do is wax prolix: “I just don’t give a fuck!”

And yet, if Tom Stoppard is to be believed, high marks for good breeding accrue among the English upper classes with credit for one’s unconcern. (See Arcadia, Act One, Scene Four.) Surely there is no shortage of his fellow public schoolboys around these parts, to generate a proper Englishing of this Russian proto-rap: «Умер Максим—ну и хуй с ним; положили в гроб—мать его ёб.» [Maksim died—and the prick with him; laid in a coffin—fuck his mother.] Any ideas?

Crossposted to [info]larvatus, [info]linguaphiles, and [info]ru_translate.


We lost Maxim—well, fuck him.
We’ll bury him this week—[that motherfucking prick/his mom can suck my dick].

Courtesy of [info]pawnchow.
Tags: english, russian

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