Smilin' Strange (diello) wrote in linguaphiles,
Smilin' Strange

Deutsch Heute

Help! Is there anyone out there who has taken an introductory German course with the workbook for Deutsch Heute (8th edition)??? I am missing vital pages!

Missing pages I've noted so far:

If you have them, and if it's possible, could you scan them and send them to me? Or if you have a pdf of the book or whatever, that'd be awesome, too.
Pass it along if you know someone who's got 'em... please?

I bought the book used, and now I know why I it was so cheap.

I'm cross-posting this to everywhere I can think to do.

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    Apparently, English etymologists are ticklish. That's why they don't want to touch on some sensitive topics. And very important ones. Let's take…

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