Rufio (oracular_rufio) wrote in linguaphiles,

Strange English Words

There are a couple words which can probably be classed either as kiddy words, or at least very informal/slang, which my parents used a lot when I was a little kid. It didn't seem to me like they were neologisms at the time, but I've used some of them around other people since, and they don't know what I'm talking about. So I'm curious - are these real words that people other than me and my parents use, or did my parents make them up to be cute? Has anyone else heard them? My father insists that they are real words.

brum-brum a kiddy word for bread with butter
cream rinse conditioner
threek a small fork with three tines, used for things like getting pickles out of very small jars
ossie a dust bunny

Edit: Apparently (pickle-)threek was something coined by one of my uncles, but I'm not surprised that other people have come up with it too.

Thanks in advance!

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