vetrolov (ex_easy_jet876) wrote in linguaphiles,

transcription from German

Hello, germanphiles!

I need a bit of help. There is a radio-play "OK COMPUTER" which is based on the groundbreaking album of Radiohead and was broadcasted on BBC Radio 4 in past October. It is in English commonly but includes 2 fragments in German. I need your assistance to transcript them and translate. Both of them are just several phrases, so they are pretty short.

The MP3 file [39 mb] of the piece you may download from here:

or here (mirror):

The 1st fragment [which starts on the 0:04:50 of the running time] is a short conversation of two policemen at the car accident in Berlin, the 2nd one [0:09:05 of the running time] -- a couple of phrases of a nurse in the hospital.

You may either put the german transcription and English translation into a comment to this post or mail me: VETROLOV (at) YA (dot) RU

Thank you for your assistance in advance!!!
Tags: german, radio

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