Adam (necroad) wrote in linguaphiles,

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Hey, hope you don't mind me asking but I was wondering if anyone could help me translate this phrase (or at least something that conveys the same thing) into as many languages as possible:

It's a race that no one can win

I have an assignment that's pretty much "design a commemoration of the human race after they cease to exist on earth." and I'd like to have this on it. Thank you in advance. I've already got English (well, obviously) and German.

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  • The Touchy Subject

    Apparently, English etymologists are ticklish. That's why they don't want to touch on some sensitive topics. And very important ones. Let's take…

  • Nose as a primarium of knowledge

    No one would have challenged my title if I had added "for dogs and other animals". However, I am writing about the human nose. After all, the…

  • Spartan accordion

    This golden "ring" was found in the Bulgarian village of Ezerovo, located near the city of Plovdiv, in 1912. ΡΟΛΙΣΤΕΝΕΑΣΝ / ΕΡΕΝΕΑΤΙΛ / ΤΕΑΝΗΣΚΟΑ…