lindsey (luxuria) wrote in linguaphiles,

French question--"I want"

Is there any difference in French between "vouloir" and "avoir envie de"? Any situations in which one would be preferable over the other, is one stronger than the other, etc.? My Professor said no, but he's not a native speaker and I know he's made some mistakes in the past. "Je veux" sounds more blunt than "j'ai envie de" to my ears, so I'm just curious if they really are 100% interchangeable.

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  • Nose as a primarium of knowledge

    No one would have challenged my title if I had added "for dogs and other animals". However, I am writing about the human nose. After all, the…

  • Spartan accordion

    This golden "ring" was found in the Bulgarian village of Ezerovo, located near the city of Plovdiv, in 1912. ΡΟΛΙΣΤΕΝΕΑΣΝ / ΕΡΕΝΕΑΤΙΛ / ΤΕΑΝΗΣΚΟΑ…

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