. (ein_suender) wrote in linguaphiles,

French questions

I recently heard a man asked "You're from Quebec?" in French (I can say it but not spell it, lol)...his response is what surprised me. He said,

"Ouias, mais je suis angloquebecois," exactly like that. I knew he was a native English speaker, but I was under the impression that the English-speaking portions of Quebec called themselves Quebecers and not Quebecois? I don't know him personally so I felt awkward to ask and I didn't. What's the deal here?

Also, in Regina Spektor's song Apres Moi, she has one line of French" Apres moi le deluge". Shouldn't there be a verb in there, or is that ok like it is? And is the other non-English part in her song Russian?

Wow, that's more questions than I thought I had!

Thanks as always!!!

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