miconazole (miconazole) wrote in linguaphiles,

Help me sound Polish

Hey all! I like to amuse myself by pretending to be my friend's fictional Polish ex-boyfriend. I am easily amused. However, I don't actually know much about Polish except for a brief period when I was convinced it was the Greatest Language Evar. What are some features of Polish (or other West Slavic languages) that tend to come out in native speakers? What parts of English grammar do they tend to have trouble with?


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  • The Touchy Subject

    Apparently, English etymologists are ticklish. That's why they don't want to touch on some sensitive topics. And very important ones. Let's take…

  • Nose as a primarium of knowledge

    No one would have challenged my title if I had added "for dogs and other animals". However, I am writing about the human nose. After all, the…

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    This golden "ring" was found in the Bulgarian village of Ezerovo, located near the city of Plovdiv, in 1912. ΡΟΛΙΣΤΕΝΕΑΣΝ / ΕΡΕΝΕΑΤΙΛ / ΤΕΑΝΗΣΚΟΑ…